(HRIA, AIA, HRIM, HRO, AOA, SoJ, Clearance Application)
- ALPAC 2023 Cut Blocks and Roads Associated with HRV 4c Notations
- Alberta Newsprint FMA 2002 Cut Blocks
- Alberta Newsprint FMA 2004 AOP Cut Blocks
- Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries FMA 2022 Planning Unit Assessments
- Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries FMA 2023 Planning Unit Assessments
- Embarras 12 Forestry Unit, Haul Roads, Cut Blocks, and Gravel Source
- Firesmart Cutblock Along Drystone Creek Near Hinton
- Hinton Wood Products FMA 2004 Developments
- Hinton Wood Products FMA 2005 Developments
- Hinton Wood Products FMA 2006 Developments
- Hinton Wood Products FMA 2007 Developments
- Hinton Wood Products FMA 2011 Developments
- Sundance FMA 2004-2005 Developments
- Sundance FMA 2005-2006 Developments
- Sundance FMA 2007 Developments
- Sundance FMA 2010 Field Program
- Sundance FMA Review of Ten Cut Blocks to be Harvested South of Edson for the FireSmart Program and Operations
- Sunpine FMA 2003 Developments
- Weldwood FMA 2002 Developments
- Weldwood FMA 2003 Developments
Mining & Exploration
- Addendum to AIA, Phase 1 Winter Road and Geotechnical Program, Prairie Creek Mine All Season Road, NWT
- Aries Coal Mine Project
- Aseniwuche Winewak Nation, Studies of Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Coalspur Mines Ltd., Vista Coal Mine Project
- Brooks Power Project
- Cali Lease Project
- Cheviot Mine 2005 Mitigation Excavations
- Coal Valley Mine Brazeau West Exploration Project and Pit 21 East Exploration Project
- Coal Valley Mine Robb Trend Exploration 2008-2009 Program
- Coal Valley Mine Robb Trend Exploration 2009 Program
- Coal Valley Mine Robb Trend Project
- Coal Valley Mine Robb Trend Extension
- Coal Valley Mine Robb Trend Piezometer Installations
- Coal Valley Mine Yellowhead Tower Extension and Robb Trend Exploration
- Coal Valley Mine Yellowhead Tower Extension, Disturbances at FhQg-5 and FhQg-77
- Coal Valley Mine Yellowhead Tower Extension, FhQg-5 Mitigations
- Coal Valley Mine Yellowhead Tower Extension, Stage II Mitigation, FhQg-5 (Yellowhead Mine and Townsite)
- Coal Valley Mine Yellowhead Tower, Pit 162 Phase 1 and Haul Road Impact Adjacent to FhQg-5
- Coalspur Mines Ltd. CEP 110004 (Vista and Vista South)
- Coalspur Mines Ltd. Vista Project
- Crowsnest Claims Summit Area Quarry and Access Road, Metallic and Industrial Mineral Permit No. 9302060002
- DeStaffany Project
- Great Bear Lakes Site Remediation Project, NWT
- Mercoal East and Mercoal West Extensions
- Mountain Cree Camp Traditional Use Studies, Proposed Coal Valley Mine Extensions, Mercoal West and Yellowhead Tower, and Pit 29 and Haul Road
- Mountain Cree Camp, Studies of Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Coal Valley Resources Inc., Coal Valley Mine, Robb Trend Project
- Mountain Cree Camp, Studies of Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Coalspur Mines Ltd., Vista Coal Mine Project
- North Section (Muskeg Valley Quarry) of the South Haul Road, HhOv‐462 Stage I and Stage II Mitigation Excavations
- Obed Mountain Mine Marsh Block Extension
- Oppelt Coal Exploration Program
- Pembina-Brazeau Coal Exploration Program
- Pine Point Mine Tailings Impoundment Area (TIA) Closure and Reclamation
- Proposed Haul Road from Pit 29 to Yellowhead Tower
- Robb Trend 2012-2013 Coal Exploration Program
- Robb Trend 2014 Coal Exploration Program
- Robb Trend West 2011-2012 CEP Drilling Program
- Shop Location at Yellowhead Tower
- South Rock Ltd. Glass Gravel Pit
- Stark Lake Remediation Project
- Teck Resources Ltd Mackenzie Redcap Mine
- Vista Coal Mine
- Vista Coal Mine, 2013 Disturbance Areas
- Vista Project – Phase II
- West Cochrane Expansion Project
- West Cochrane Gravel Pit Phases 2‐6, Mitigation at EhPp-75
- Yellowhead Tower 2014 Coal Exploration Program
- Yellowknife Lithium Project
- YLP-Echo Camps and Winter Roads
- YLP-Further Afield Leases
- YLP-Perlis Leases NT‐3365 to NT‐3371 and NT‐3390 to NT‐3395
Alternative Energy
- Acciona Energy New Dayton Wind Project
- Aira Solar Project
- Benalto 1 DER
- Berkinshaw 1 DER
- Briker 1 DER
- Buffalo Trail Solar Energy Centre
- Cypress Wind Power Project
- Garden Plain Wind Power Project
- Gillespie 1 DER
- Green Glade 1 DER
- Grizzly Bear Creek Wind Power Project
- Jurassic Solar+ Project
- Kenilworth 1 DER
- Kirkcaldy Solar Energy Centre
- Lacuna Storage Project
- Luna Solar + Project
- Mannville Animal Feed Project
- Netook 1 DER
- Northern Valley 1 DER
- Oyen Solar Park
- Red Deer River Solar Energy Centre
- Red Deer Springbrook 14MW Solar Project
- Springbrook Solar Project
- Three Hills Solar Park
- Willow Ridge Wind Project
Oil & Gas
- 13-17 DR REILLY 14-17-42-17 W5M Well Tie-In
- 2001 Gold Creek Coalbed Methane Project
- Air Products Canada Ltd. ATCO Hydrogen Pipeline Project
- Alaska Pipeline Project
- AltaGas Ltd. Harmattan North Expansion Project
- Anderson 15-8-51-23-W5M Tie-In Pipeline
- Anderson 3-11-51-23-W5M Well Site and Access Road
- Anderson 6-11-51-23-W5M Tie-In Pipeline
- Anderson 6-1-51-23-W5M Tie-In Pipeline
- Anderson 6-1-51-23-W5M Well Site and Access Road
- Ansell 13-30-50-19-W5M Tie-In Pipeline
- Ansell 14-7-51-18-W5M Tie-In Pipeline
- Ansell 9-25-50-20-W5M Well Site, Access Road, and Pipeline
- Banshee 10-15-50-22-W5M Tie-In Pipeline
- Banshee 2 and I Tie-In Pipeline Projects
- Banshee 6-21-50-22-W5M Well Site and Access Road
- Basing 15-12-49-20-W5M Above Ground Riser to 16-2-49-20-W5M Pipeline Project
- Burmis Prospect Well Site and Access Road
- Callum 10-24-12-2-W5M, Well Site And Access Road
- Callum Creek Development Area
- Carbondale Pipeline Expansion Project
- Carbondale Pipeline Loop (12-9-6-3-W5M to 6-12-6-3-W5M)
- Drumheller Shallow Gas & Gathering Development
- Enbridge Line 75 & Line 19 Horse River North Slope and Crossing Remediation
- Enbridge Lynton Station Geohazard Project
- Enermark 13-25 to NW ¼ 14-53-20-W5M and (3-36 SURFACE) to 14-25-53-20-W5M Pipeline Tie-Ins
- Foster Creek Pipleine and Foster Creek Waste Water Pipeline
- GrdCache 3-1-59-8-W6M Well Site and Access Road & Compressor Site in 16-31-5-7-W6M
- Hinton 13-23-51-25-W5M Well Site and Access Road
- Horse River North Slope and Crossing Remediation
- Husky Oil Operations Limited Caribou Lake Thermal Demonstration Project
- Jensen 2008 Drilling Program and Access Road Upgrade
- KARR 6-18-63-4-W6M to 5-28-64-4-W6M Pipeline
- Lindbergh South In Situ Oil Sands Project
- Little Hay River Winter 1999-2000 Drilling Program
- Livingstone Valley Coalbed Methane Exploration Program
- Livingstone-Racehorse Creek Coalbed Methane Project
- Mackay River Oil Sands Development
- Minehead 10-18-50-18-W5M Well Tie-in
- Minehead 11-1-49-18-W5M Well Tie-in
- Minehead 13-5-50-18-W5M to 9-7-50-18-W5M Pipeline Project
- Minehead 5-11-49-18-W5M Well Tie-in
- Minehead 6-18-49-18-W5M to 3-6-49-18-W5M Pipeline Project
- NGTL Summer River Assessment Program Matzhiwin Creek within SE 35 & SW 36-21-14-W4M
- NPS 10 Pipeline Abandonment/Removal within SE 33-33-24-W4M
- PC Narraway 3-32 to 13-27-63-12-W6M Pipeline Tie-In
- Peace River Complex Expansion Project
- Pipeline Within E. 1/2 Sec. 23, N.W. 1/4 Sec. 24 & W. 1/2 Sec. 25, Twp. 30, Rge. 28, W. 4M. Mountainview County
- Polaris Ricks Livingstone 11-32-10-2-W5M Well Site And Access Road
- RFS IV Expansion
- Rigel Oil Sands Project
- Rocky Mountain House to Caroline Multi-Pipeline Right-of-Way
- Seven Generations Energy Ltd. Cutbank Sales Line Twinning
- Seven Generations Energy Ltd. Karr 6-18-63-4-W6M to 5-28-64-4-W6M Pipeline
- Seven Generations Pipeline From 10-10-65-5-W6M to 11-26-67-5-W6M
- Shell and H3 Anderson 9-12-51-24-W5M Well Site, Access Road, and Tie-In
- Shell Hinton 6-22-51-25-W5M Well Lease and Access Road
- Shell SOL-005 Solomon 14-28-53-1-W6M
- Shell Waterton 61 Pipeline from 10-7-6-2-W5M to 7-7-6-2-W5M
- Shell Waterton Ground Water Monitoring Well Drilling 2023 within NE 15 & NW 14-4-30-W4M
- Sump Site in 13-36-32-10-W5M
- Sundre Crossover Pipeline
- Twin River Pipeline Project
- Vesta Energy Ltd. Central Core Pipeline
- Wapiti Pipeline Project
- Wayne Dalum BR Viking MUF Drilling Tie-ins Project
- Well Sites and Access Roads in Sections 22 & 23 of Township 2, Range 19 W4M
- Wembley Pipeline Project
- Weyburn Phase V-1 and Weyburn Unit 2000 Pipelines and Pipeline Replacements
- Wildcat Hills 10-32 DR Viking Well Tie-In (10-32-27-5-W5M to 4-31-27-5-W5M)
- 12th St. SE Bridge Replacement Project - Landscaping Irrigation
- Calgary Airport Expansion
- CKPC Propane Dehydrogenation‐Polypropylene Production Facility Project
- Frank Channel Bridge Replacement Project
- Kainai Multi-Purpose Development at Standoff
- Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site of Canada Conservation of Buildings and Grounds Archaeological Component
- Mannville Animal Feed Project
- Nose Creek Bank Armouring
- Portage District General Hospital Site
- Redwater Brine Pond 6
- Tulita Infrastructure Project
Highways, Rails, & Transportation
- CN Hinton Rail Siding Project
- Deerfoot Trail (Hwy 2X) Extension Reroute
- HRO for Edmonton Ring Road
- Prosper Multi-user Access Road
- Southwest Calgary Ring Road Chance Find - HRMB Request
- Sturgeon County Rail Facility
Dams, Reservoirs, & Diversions
- Archaeological Assessment, St. Mary’s Reservoir
- Brazeau Hydro Pumped Storage Project
- Conawapa Generation Station Project, 2014 Field Program
- Cougar Creek Debris Flood Retention Structure
- 14.4 kV Powerline in SW-35-7-2-W5M
- 2008 72kV Barrier Splice Construction Project at Kinsmen Field House, Edmonton
- AltaLink Vista Coal Transmission Development (625L/745L; 270S)
- EPCOR Manhole CH5 Valve Repair, Goldbar, Edmonton
- Fortis Alberta 14.4kV Powerline in SW-35-7-2-W5M
- Luna Solar + Phase 1 Project
Recreational Development Including Provincial and National Parks
- 2009 Archaeological Survey and Historic Resources Inventory of Pinehurst and Touchwood Lakes (Lakeland Provincial Recreation Area)
- Archaeological Survey and Historic Resources Inventory of Buck Lake Provincial Recreation and Natural Areas
- Archaeological Survey and Historic Resources Inventory of Buck Lake Provincial Recreation and Natural Areas, 2009 Program
- Bow Valley Provincial Park Barrier Lake Day Use Area Redevelopment
- Bow Valley Provincial Park Canoe Meadows Day Use Area and Group Camp, Archaeological Mitigation of EgPs-6
- Castle Provincial Park Developments
- Cold Lake Provincial Park Day Use Area and Trail Upgrades
- Feasibility Plan for Removable Control Structures in the Peace‐Athabasca Delta (PAD) and the Rivière des Rochers Little Rapid Weir & Revillon Coupé Structure Survey Projects
- Fish Creek Provincial Park, Bow River West Bank Reconstruction Project
- Hamlet of Lake Newell Resort Connection Pathway
- Kinbrook Connection Pathway Partnership and Newell County Pathway
- McLeod River Provincial Recreation Area, Proposed New Campground
- Pinehurst Campground Development, Mitigation of Sites GdOu-12 and GdOu-13
- Saskatoon Island Provincial Park Accessible Trail and Observation Deck Construction
- Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park Day Use and Trail Refurbishment
Residential Development
- Rosemont Conceptual Scheme Cell B Amendment
- Westminster Glen Country Subdivision NW ¼ Sec. 12-26-03-W5M
Museums & Research
- 2007 Historical Resources Excavations at the Stampede Site (DjOn-26)
- 2016 Southern Alberta Flood Investigation Program, Excavation at Sites EePj‐103 (Margaret's Site), EePk‐253 (McKinnon Flats), and EfPm‐267 (Quarry Park) on the Bow River
- Coal Branch (Lovett Branch) Historic Cemetery Recording Project
- Excavations at FgQf-16, The Upper Lovett Campsite
- Fort George Provincial Historic Resource (FlOq‐1) Men's House, North Fireplace Excavation, Recovery, and Relocation to The Royal Alberta Museum
- Historical Resources Impact Mitigation at EePj-103 (Margaret's Site) on the Bow River
- Stampede Site (DjOn-26) Archaeological Excavations, 2008 Phase 2 Investigations
- [First Nation] Historic Cemetery
- Yellowstone National Park, Archaeological Site Assessment: 2001 Field Season